РазноеNovaya by – Новополоцк объявлен территорией здоровья в 2020 году | Новополоцк | Новости Новополоцка

Novaya by – Новополоцк объявлен территорией здоровья в 2020 году | Новополоцк | Новости Новополоцка

Новополоцк объявлен территорией здоровья в 2020 году | Новополоцк | Новости Новополоцка

Новополоцк в 2020 году присоединяется к инициативе «Здоровые города». Об этом сообщил заместитель председателя Новополоцкого горисполкома Андрей Одиночкин на заключительной в 2019 году встрече членов городского Совета по демографической безопасности.

В повестку совещания вошли вопросы информационного обеспечения деятельности городских служб по сохранению и укреплению здоровья населения Новополоцка, профилактики производственного травматизма и уточнения плана работы на будущий год. Главе городского Совета по демографической безопасности представили информацию о том, как официальными городскими СМИ освещаются темы укрепления общественной безопасности, создания благоприятной среды обитания человека, предупреждения смертности и травмирования людей. Какая работа проводится новополоцкими службами по профилактике травматизма на производстве.

С учетом того, что на заседание совета пригласили заместителей руководителей предприятий и организаций города по идеологической работе, начальник управления по труду, занятости и социальной защите населения Людмила Ивашкевич обратила внимание на данные статистики несчастных случаев на производстве, зафиксированных в Новополоцке. В 2019 году их количество меньше, чем в 2018, – восемь против двенадцати. Однако количество людей, привлеченных к ответственности за нарушения, связанные с употреблением алкоголя, – это свыше 300 человек – говорит о том, что расслабляться рано. Потому что каждый нетрезвый работник – это потенциальная опасность, сопряженная с риском либо гибели его самого, либо создания угрожающей другим ситуации.

По оценке заместителя председателя Новополоцкого горисполкома, курирующего работу Совета по демографической безопасности, в целом проводимая в городе комплексная работа удовлетворяет целям повышения уровня безопасности в Новополоцке. При этом есть ресурсы, которые позволят ее улучшить. В том числе расширение диапазона использования целевой социальной рекламы. Андрей Одиночкин акцентировал внимание на необходимость совершенствования работы, связанной с распространением информации в глобальной сети, которая должна способствовать смещению акцентов с информации негативного характера к позиционированию Новополоцка, как города, нацеленного на нулевой травматизм. Важным шагом в комплексе мер по сохранению и укреплению здоровья горожан станет и присоединение Новополоцка к проекту «Здоровые города». Инициатива «Здоровые города» – это детище Всемирной организации здравоохранения. В Беларуси проект взял старт только в 2012 году, и сегодня в него вовлечены около 40 белорусских городов. По всему миру в инициативе участвуют около 1 800 городов. За время своей деятельности с 1988 года проект «Здоровые города» приобрел широкое признание у общественности как крупнейшее межведомственное мероприятие, посвященное теме профилактики заболеваний населения.



Novaya Gazeta — Wikipedia

This article is about a Russian newspaper. For a Latvian newspaper of the same name, see Novaya Gazeta (Latvia).
Novaya Gazeta
Novaya gazeta logo.svg

Novaya Gazeta logo

Typethree times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
FormatA2 per spread
Owner(s)Publishing House ‘Novaya Gazeta’ (76%), Alexnder Lebedev (14%), Mikhail Gorbchev (10%)
Founder(s)group of former journalists from Komsomolskaya pravda
Editor-in-chiefDmitriy Muratov
Founded1 April 1993
Political alignmentLiberalism, opposition
HeadquartersMoscow, Russia
Circulation184,400 (2009)[1]
Free online archiveswww.novayagazeta.ru/issues

Novaya Gazeta (Russian: Новая газета, IPA: [ˈnovəjə ɡɐˈzʲetə], lit. ‘New Gazette’) is a Russian newspaper well known in its country for its critical and investigative coverage of Russian political and social affairs.[2]

Novaya gazeta logo.svg

It is published in Moscow, in regions within Russia, and in some foreign countries. As of 2009, the print edition is published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; English-language articles on the website are published irregularly.

Six Novaya Gazeta journalists, including Yury Shchekochikhin, Anna Politkovskaya and Anastasia Baburova, have been murdered since 2001, in connection with their investigations.[3]


A group of former journalists from Komsomolskaya pravda organised the newspaper in 1993, its first name was Ezhednevnaya Novaya Gazeta (Daily New Gazette).[4]Mikhail Gorbachev used the money from his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize to help set up the Novaya Gazeta in 1993 and purchase its first computers.[5]

International Industrial Bank investigation[edit]

On 26 November 2001, Novaya Gazeta published an article by Oleg Lurie stating that the management of the International Industrial Bank, headed by Sergey Pugachyov, had been involved in money laundering in the Bank of New York.

[6] Pugachyov’s bank brought a libel suit against the newspaper, citing financial losses, as a number of its customers had allegedly changed the terms of their accounts in a way which made the bank lose money because of the publication. On 28 February 2002, the bank won the case in Moscow’s Basmanny municipal court and was awarded 15 million rubles (about $500,000) in lost revenue, an unprecedented sum for Russian newspapers that might undermine the very existence of Novaya Gazeta, especially as on 22 February Novaya Gazeta had been ordered by the same Basmanny court to pay about $1 million for a corruption allegation against the Krasnodar Krai’s top judge.

In April, the decision on the International Industrial Bank case was reconfirmed by a court. However, in an article of 27 May 2002,[7]Yulia Latynina, a Novaya Gazeta journalist, revealed that the bank’s three customers named in the lawsuit were its subsidiaries or otherwise controlled by its board of directors, and claimed that

Novaya Gazeta had requested the opening of a criminal fraud investigation into the activities of the bank. As a result, in June 2002 the International Industrial Bank renounced its claim to the compensation.[8][9]

Yury Shchekochikhin[edit]

Yury Shchekochikhin, a renowned journalist and deputy in the State Duma, had also worked for the newspaper as an investigative journalist and had been a deputy Editor-in-Chief until he died after a mysterious and severe allergy on 3 July 2003. Some of his contributions published in Novaya Gazeta were related to the investigation of the Three Whales Corruption Scandal.

Mishap with Prime Minister Sergey Kirienko[edit]

In 2004, the newspaper printed seven articles by columnist Georgy Rozhnov, which accused Sergey Kiriyenko of embezzling US$4.8 billion of International Monetary Fund funds in 1998 when he was Prime Minister of Russia.[10] The newspaper based the accusations on a letter allegedly written to Colin Powell and signed by U.S. Congressmen Philip Crane, Mike Pence, Charlie Norwood, Dan Burton and Henry Bonilla and posted on the website of the American Defense Council.

[11] The newspaper went on to claim that Kiriyenko had used some of the embezzled funds to purchase real estate in the United States. It was later revealed that the letter was a prank concocted by The eXile.[11][12] In response, Kiriyenko sued Novaya Gazeta and Rozhnov for libel,[12] and in passing judgement in favour of Kiriyenko the court ordered Novaya Gazeta to retract all publications relating to the accusations and went on to say that the newspaper «is obliged to publish only officially proven information linking Mr Kiriyenko with embezzlement.»[10]

Igor Domnikov[edit]

Igor Domnikov was well-known in Novaya Gazeta among his colleagues for his witty essays and acerbic tone. Journalist was attacked on his way to his Moscow apartment, near doorway, on May 12, 2000, hit with a hard object, presumably a hammer by unknown, then lying unconscious in pool of blood found by a neighbor; Igor Domnikov was delivered to hospital with scull and brain injuries, underwent surgery, but remained in coma, died from the injuries on July 16, 2000. Suspected in the murder 5 members of a gang was arrested in August 2007, sentenced to prison terms in range from 18 years to life for Igor Domnikov murder as well as other crimes.

[13] On March 11, 2015, Former Deputy Governor of Lipetsk Oblast Sergei Dorovskoi was charged by Investigative Committee of Russia as inciter of the murder, but Sergei Dorovskoi never was punished because of crime time oblivion (15 years since murder).[14][15] Investigation found that Igor Domnikov had written a series of reports about life in Lipetsk region in 1999-2000, where journalist criticized the local government for corruption, that was the motive for Sergei Dorovskoi to incite other to kill the journalist.

Anna Politkovskaya[edit]

Journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was critical of Russia’s actions in Chechnya, wrote for Novaya Gazeta until her assassination on 7 October 2006. Politkovskaya wrote in an essay that the editors received: «Visitors every day in our editorial office who have nowhere else to bring their troubles, because the Kremlin finds their stories off-message, so that the only place they can be aired is in our newspaper, Novaya Gazeta[17]

Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova[edit]

Journalist and human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov was shot and killed in Moscow on 19 January 2009 while leaving a press conference about his last minute appeal against the early release of Yuri Budanov, a former Russian military officer convicted for kidnapping and aggravated murder of a young Chechen woman.[18][19]Anastasia Baburova, a freelance journalist for Novaya Gazeta and a member of Autonomous Action, was with Markevlov at the time and was also killed. Racist groups praised Markelov’s killing on the Internet, but it is unclear whether they were behind it.

Natalya Estemirova[edit]

Natalya Estemirova, human rights researcher and lawyer who lived in Chechen Republic, had met sometimes well-known journalist Anna Politkovskaya and lawyer Stanislav Markelov, because they all were investigating crimes in Chechnya and defending victims rights, she also wrote reports in Novaya Gazeta. Natalya Estemirova was kidnapped on July 22, 2009 in the Chechen Capital City of Grozny and two hours later killed in neighboring Ingushetia Republic.[20]

2009 Interview with president Dmitri Medvedev[edit]

On 13 April 2009, the newspaper was granted the first-ever print interview in a Russian publication with President Dmitri Medvedev, discussing issues such as civil society and the social contract, transparency of public officials and Internet development.[21]

DDOS attack[edit]

On 26 January 2010, the paper’s web site was subjected to a denial of service attack and effectively taken offline.[22] As of 1 February 2010, the site was still inaccessible. At the peak of the attack the server was receiving 1.5 million connections per second.[23] The newspaper maintained its online presence by publishing articles on its LiveJournal page.[24] On 7 April 2011, the web site was targeted again with the same botnet that appears to be used in a large scale attack on LiveJournal that hosts many opposition blogs.[25][26][27][28]

Vergeef ons, Nederland[edit]

On 25 July 2014, the paper opened with «Vergeef ons, Nederland» / «Прости, Голландия» («Forgive us, Netherlands» in both Dutch and Russian), in response to the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 disaster.[29]

Investigation of Blue Whale[edit]

In early 2016 the newspaper published an article alleging existence of a so-called «Blue whale» game, seeking to cause Russian youngsters to commit suicide. The publication caused a moral panic to sweep Russia.[30]

Denis Korotkov’s investigation[edit]

After Novaya Gazeta published an investigation by journalist Denis Korotkov about a Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin,[31] in October 2018, Denis Korotkov and the editor-in-chief at Novaya Gazeta were the target of threatening deliveries of a severed ram’s head and funeral flowers to the paper’s offices. The style of the threat resembled others by Kremlin-linked Yevgeny Prigozhin.[32]

Novaya Gazeta about LGBTQ persecutions[edit]

Novaya Gazeta published reports about gay persecution in Chechnya in 2017, where allegedly 3 men were killed, dozens detained and intimidated. After that publishing, Chechen Government refused any existence of persecutions of gays in Chechen Republic.[33]

Published list of allegedly 27 Chechens lynched in Grozny on January 26, 2017[edit]

Newspaper published the report by Elena Milashina and the list of 27 Chechens killed on January 26, 2017. Newspaper also addressed the report and the list to the Russian Government service, Investigative Committee of Russia, and asked the Committee to investigate the data about the published list. While Novaya Gazeta calling names of 27 Chechens killed in the list, newspaper supposed that real number might be even more, of 56 Chechens killed that night. The newspaper said that the allegedly killed Chechens were citizens of the Republic of Chechnya, who were detained by Governmental security service, put in custody inside a guarded territory owned by Traffic Police regiment in the City of Grozny, and executed on 26 January with gunfire by State Security forces without filing any legal accusations.[34]

Elections of Editor-in-Chief[edit]

Elections of editor-in-chief held in the newspaper since 2009.[4]

In November 2017, Muratov announced that he was leaving his editor-in-chief post, but would continue to work for the newspaper. On 17 November, it was announced that Sergey Kozheurov, the general director of the newspaper, had been elected to replace Muratov.[35]

Dmitriy Muratov won next elections in November, 2019.[4]

As Editor-in-Chief Dmitriy Muratov said in an interview, that was published on YouTube by Novaya Gazeta on 28 January 2017,[36] Newspaper’s organisation had 76% of shares, Alexander Lebedev owned 14% of shares, Mikhail Gorbachev had 10%.

On present day, 2018-2019 years, Novaya Gazeta newspaper’s organisation has two titles on Russian online lists of companies:

  1. Autonomous Noncommercial Organisation ‘Editing-Publishing House ‘Novaya Gazeta» (Rus. АВТОНОМНАЯ НЕКОММЕРЧЕСКАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ «РЕДАКЦИОННО-ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ДОМ «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА» (АНО «РИД «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА»))[37]
  2. Limited Stock Society ‘Publishing House ‘Novaya Gazeta» (Rus. ЗАКРЫТОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО «ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ДОМ «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА» (ЗАО «ИД «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА»))[38] which 100% owned (as said in 2017) by Limited Society «Informbyuro» (Rus. ООО «Информбюро»), in turn owned on parity by Dmitry Muratov and Sergey Kozheurov.[39]

Autonomous Noncommercial Organisation «Editing-Publishing House «Novaya Gazeta»» governs editing policy in newspaper; and Mikhail Gorbachev is a member of the Autonomous Noncommercial Organisation’s governing body. Autonomous Noncommercial Organisation «Editing-Publishing House «Novaya Gazeta»» is also gathering public donations for its own newspaper’s budget.[39]

Mikhail Gorbachev is former leader of Soviet Union.[39]

Alexander Lebedev is a billionaire businessman, banker, former member of Russian Parliament (Duma), former officer of Committee for State Security (KGB) of Soviet Union.[40][41] His family also owns British newspapers the Independent and the Evening Standard.[41]

Dmitry Muratov and Sergey Kozheurov are newspaper senior editors.[4]


Svobodnoe Prostranstvo («Free Space», Russian: Свободное Пространство), which had been a colour supplement to Novaya Gazeta, is included in the Friday issue.[42][43]

Novaya Gazeta regularly contain free inserts of its side-projects or other newly launched newspapers. The United Civil Front (by the corresponding organisation) and Yabloko’s newspaper were published in the form of inserts in the past. Current inserts include the Shofyor («Driver» or «chauffeur», Russian: Шофёр) side project and the popular science Kentavr («Centaur», Russian: Кентавр).

The Russian version of Le Monde diplomatique was promoted by being issued as such inserts for one year. The number of subscribers after that amounted to 43 and continuation of issuing the insert would have been considered senseless.[44]Novaya Gazeta has also published The New York Times International Weekly on Fridays since 2009. This eight-page supplement features a selection of articles from The New York Times translated into Russian.

  • The Henri Nannen Prize in 2007.[45]
  • The Four Freedoms Award for Freedom of Speech in 2010.[46]
  • On 27 October 2014 in Copenhagen newspaper’s press-secretary Nadezhda Prusenkova and co-editor-in-chief Vitali Yaroshevsky were presented with the Freedom Award of Politiken for the independent and critical reporting of Novaya Gazeta that has cost the lives of six of its journalists.[47]


  1. ^ «Register of certificated editions of 05.11.2009» (in Russian). National Circulation Service. Archived from the original on 22 August 2009. Retrieved 28 November 2009.
  2. ^ Halpin, Tony (23 January 2009). «Journalists from Novaya Gazeta Are Assassination Targets». The Times. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  3. ^ Goguelin, Romain (23 January 2009). «Human Rights Defenders Live Under Constant Threat». France 24. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  4. ^ a b c d Демченко, Наталья; Филипенок, Артем (15 November 2019). «Главным редактором «Новой газеты» вновь избрали Дмитрия Муратова». Archived from the original on 15 November 2019.
  5. ^ «Gorbachev Buys into Kremlin’s Most Vocal Critic». MosNews. 7 June 2006. Archived from the original on 15 June 2006.
  6. ^ Lourie, Oleg (26 November 2001). Путин любит лыжи. Ну и при чем здесь Пугачев?. Novaya Gazeta (in Russian). Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  7. ^ Latynina, Yulia (27 May 2002). Можно ли сделать из стиральной машины автомат Калашникова?. Novaya Gazeta (in Russian). Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  8. ^ [1]Archived 11 January 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ Vladimir Pribylovsky; Yuri Felshtinsky (2004). «Подавление СМИ» [Suppression of the Media]. Операция «Наследник» [Operation «Successor»] (in Russian). Archived from the original (DOC) on 27 March 2009. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  10. ^ a b Melnikov, Mikhail (11–17 October 2004). «III. Lawsuits against Journalists». Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations. Retrieved 31 January 2009.
  11. ^ a b Ames, Mark (22 July 2004). «Double Punk’d! Meta-Prank Goes Mega-Bad». The eXile. Archived from the original on 26 February 2008.
  12. ^ a b «Новая газета» опровергла обвинения в адрес Кириенко (in Russian). Lenta.Ru. 20 December 2004. Archived from the original on 11 March 2007. Retrieved 31 January 2009.
  13. ^ «Igor Domnikov». Committee to Protect Journalists. Archived from the original on 16 June 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  14. ^ «In Russia, last key suspect charged in 2000 murder of Igor Domnikov». Committee to Protect Journalists. 11 March 2015. Archived from the original on 21 April 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  15. ^ «Заказчик нападения на журналиста «Новой газеты» Игоря Домникова умер от сердечного приступа». Novaya Gazeta (in Russian). 8 October 2018. Archived from the original on 9 October 2018. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  16. ^ «Anatomy of Injustice Chapter 10. A (Limited) Success: Landmark Convictions Won». Committee to Protect Journalists. Archived from the original on 17 April 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  17. ^ Politkovskaya, Anna; trans. Tait, Arch (15 October 2006). «Her Own Death, Foretold». The Washington Post. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  18. ^ «Chechen Rights Lawyer and Journalist Shot in Moscow». The International Herald Tribune Retrieved 01-19-2009
  19. ^ Kuznetsov, Andrey (6 November 2009). «Crime: True Face of Hatred» (in Russian). Lenta.Ru. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  20. ^ Harding, Luke (23 July 2019). «Who shot Natalia Estemirova?». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 11 November 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  21. ^ Muratov, Dmitry (15 April 2009). «Декларация Медведева. Год 2009 (Interview with Dmitri Medvedev)». Novaya Gazeta N39 (in Russian). Archived from the original on 16 April 2009. Retrieved 15 April 2009.
  22. ^ «Le site de la «Novaïa Gazeta» bloqué par une attaque». 1 February 2010. Retrieved 2 February 2010.
  23. ^ Hacker Attack Freezes Novaya Gazeta’s Web Site, Nikolaus von Twickel, The Moscow Times, 1 February 2010
  24. ^ Blog posts related to the DDOS attack, Novaya Gazeta, 2010.
  25. ^ Gutterman, Steve. «Medvedev criticizes illegal attack on his blog». Reuters. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
  26. ^ «Popular Russian site hit by cyberattacks | Sci-Tech | DW.DE | 08.04.2011». Dw-world.de. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
  27. ^ «Сайт «Новой газеты» обрушил ботнет, атаковавший «Живой Журнал» — Антон Благовещенский — Российская газета». Rg.ru. 21 June 2012. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
  28. ^ «»Новая газета» выложила часть нового номера в ЖЖ из-за кибератаки на сайт издания — Газета.Ru | Новости». Gazeta.ru. 17 June 2013. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
  29. ^ «Vergeef ons, Nederland». Novaya Gazeta. 25 July 2014. Retrieved 25 July 2014.
  30. ^ «FACT CHECK: ‘Blue Whale’ Game Responsible for Dozens of Suicides in Russia?». Snopes.com. Retrieved 3 October 2018.
  31. ^ «Novaya Gazeta Report: ‘Putin’s Chef’ Involved In Attacks, Killing». Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 22 October 2018. Archived from the original on 3 October 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  32. ^ Six red carnations and one severed ram’s head: Deadly threats sent to Russian independent newspaper, Global Voices, 18 October 2018
  33. ^ Walker, Shaun (2 April 2017). «Chechen police ‘have rounded up more than 100 suspected gay men'». The Guardian. Retrieved 7 December 2019.
  34. ^ «Союз журналистов Чечни опубликовал обращение к «Новой газете»». Новая Газета (in Russian). 11 July 2017. Archived from the original on 7 December 2019. Retrieved 7 December 2019.
  35. ^ «Главным редактором «Новой газеты» стал Сергей Кожеуров». Novaya Gazeta. 17 November 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  36. ^ «Кто владелец «Новой газеты», кто ее «крыша» и почему оппозиция неспособна объединиться?». YouTube. Novaya Gazeta. 28 January 2017. Retrieved 18 November 2019.
  37. ^ «АНО «РИД «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА»». За Честный Бизнес (in Russian). Archived from the original on 18 November 2019.
  38. ^ «ЗАО «ИД «НОВАЯ ГАЗЕТА»». За Честный Бизнес (in Russian).
  39. ^ a b c Мария Истомина (17 November 2017). ««Новая газета» выбрала нового главного редактора на смену Муратову». RBC (in Russian). Archived from the original on 1 October 2018.
  40. ^ Евгения Диллендорф (12 November 2019). «Разведку интересуют вечеринки». Novaya Gazeta (in Russian). Archived from the original on 13 November 2019.
  41. ^ a b Cadwalladr, Carole; Townsend, Mark (17 November 2019). «Revealed: ex-KGB agent met Boris Johnson at Italian party». The Guardian. Retrieved 18 November 2019.
  42. ^ Muratov, Dmitry; Yuri Safronov (21 November 2008). «What is Friday? It’s yet another day of Novaya Gazeta» (in Russian). Novaya Gazeta (№ 45).[permanent dead link]
  43. ^ «2009 clarification for Novaya Gazeta subscribers» (in Russian). Novaya Gazeta (№ 45). 21 November 2008. Archived from the original on 22 May 2011.
  44. ^ Inozemtsev, Vladislav; Ekaterina Kuznetsova; et al. (26 July 2007). Уважаемые читатели «Новой газеты»!. Novaya Gazeta (in Russian). Archived from the original on 25 August 2007.
  45. ^ Haesler, Isabelle (4 July 2007). «Deutsche Unternehmen unterstützen russische Zeitung «Nowaja Gaseta» mit Anzeigen» (in German). Henri Nannen Preis. Archived from the original on 10 September 2007.
  46. ^ www.nedbase.nl, Nedbase -. «Novaya Gazeta — Laureate Freedom of Speech Award 2010 — Laureates since 1982 — Four Freedoms Awards».
  47. ^ Vintergaard, Peter (27 October 2014). «Det er livsfarligt at være journalist i Rusland» [It is life-threatening to be a journalist in Russia]. politiken.tv (in Danish, English, and Russian). Politiken. Retrieved 27 October 2014. I try not to think that journalism in Russia is dangerous but six my colleagues were murdered and I known all of them very good

External links[edit]


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Размеры элементов:

Все элементы на страницах сайта достаточно велики в размере, чтобы на них можно были легко нажать, используя сенсорный телефон или планшет.

Размеры шрифтов:

Размер шрифта и высота строк на сайте позволяют удобно читать текстовый контент.

Вид на телефонах и планшетах:

Анализ оптимизации для мобильных устройств позволяет узнать, насколько удобен веб-ресурс для просмотра на смартфонах или планшетах. Ключевые элементы данного анализа включают в себя сведения о скорости загрузки сайта на мобильных устройствах, ширине области просмотра его страниц, размере используемых шрифтов, наличии всплывающих окон, корректной работе HTML- и CSS-кода, а также других аспектах адаптации сайта под гаджеты.
Сегодня, когда ведущие поисковые системы (Google и Яндекс) главную ставку делают на развитии мобильного поиска, владение такой полезной информацией позволяет в разы повысить эффективность оптимизации сайта для мобильных устройств.
К примеру, зная, что сайт нуждается в увеличении скорости загрузки страницы, его владелец может осуществить ряд необходимых для достижения этой цели мер. Как следствие, ускорение отображения страницы уменьшит показатель отказов, увеличит время пребывания пользователей на сайте, а также улучшит его поведенческие факторы.


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